THC Hunter

Save Green on Green
THC Hunting?

THC Hunter is a cannabis price comparison site. We search all the buds to find you the best deal. We don't sell cannabis, we just search for the best deals and Puff, Puff, Pass the Savings to You.

About THC Hunter
Attention Florida Bud Buyers

THC Hunter is now live in South FLorida. If you're looking to buy flower in Miami, Fort Lauderdale or the Palm Beaches, we have you covered. Select your location and check out the deals.

Palm Beach Broward Miami-Dade
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So many dispensaries, so little time

Cannabis Concierge

Create a free account to share preferences on dispensaries, locations, strains, and tradeoffs bewtween potency, price, quality and format. Train your Cannabis Concierge on your taste.

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Cannabis Community

We have a lot of ideas for how to make THC Hunter even better. We're looking for feedback and ideas from our community to help us prioritize our development efforts.

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